We are proud to commit Diana Place Apartments as a sustainable living community. The capital investments in building insulation, energy star rated appliances and solar panels will result in reduced energy costs for residents and ownership alike.
Residents will be proud to live in a building that contributes to the climate solution.
Carbon Footprint
Both the Domestic Hot Water and Apartment space heating are “Clean Heat” meaning that the heat is generated without the use of fossil fuels significantly lowering the carbon footprint of Diana Place.
Building Insulation
Diana Place Apartments is extremely well insulated leading to a building that is 22% better than the NYS Energy code and resulting in lower HVAC costs for the tenants
Adaptive Reuse
Diana Place builders have recycled much of the byproducts of the two wood houses frame houses that were demolished to make way for the new 26 unit apartment building. Much of the shiplap siding from these houses was salvaged and will be used on the public roof terraces on the south side of the 4th floor of the building.
Solar Panels
Diana Place Apartment rooftop will be equipped with approximately 100 solar panels that can generate approximately 45KW during peak solar hours. These solar panels will power much of the building’s common elements and, when not needed at Diana Place, send power back to the Orange & Rockland power grid. That will make Diana Place Apartments a provider of renewable energy our society needs to produce a clean electric grid.
Electric Vehicle Chargers
Diana Place Apartments offers two on-site level 2 EV chargers for residents’ use.
Contact us to learn more and schedule a tour.